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Talking to Ourselves

autism ourselves talking May 05, 2017

We all talk to ourselves. For someone who has autism, that person talks to himself in wrong times. To be honest, I do the same thing too sometimes even though I’m older. I would imitate a line from a movie or play because I thought it was such a cool line like:

“Ah-  wait wait let me explain- let me explain something to you- um… I’m not Mr. Lebowski. You’re Mr. Lebowski. I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me you know uh. That, or um His Dudeness or uh… Duder… or uh… you know, El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.”

That came from the movie The Big Lebowski. I would sometimes repeat that line or any other line that’s funny and cool in inappropriate times, and then I would feel like I shouldn’t of said it in the wrong time when people noticed me talking to myself.

That’s the thing with talking to ourselves, we forget the reality a...

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Why We Talk

Everyone in the world can not talk except for humans. Parrots talk, but they don’t use real words to carry out messages to one another using sentences.
In cartoons, it’s fun to hear the animals talk or any other thing that talks as well, but sometimes when they talk, they seem human.

I think that because we talk, we are able to change the world with ideas for the future using verbal communication. Animals in real life can not use verbal communication, instead they use their instincts to direct them through the ways of life. Honey bees have been busy for a long long time, and over a thousand years they still make their honey.
Let me tell you something over PG-13, when animals mate, they either reject by walking away, or they let the males produce. Humans mate when we ask for it, but instead of rejection like the animals, the females give the males a huge slap in the face when she doesn't want it. Well maybe not a big slap, but something hurtful like that.

We are...

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Scenery Before Sleep

autism city scenery sleep May 04, 2017

I live near the Seattle area, and when I see the city at a good angle, it reminds me of my toddler days.

When I was little, sometimes I would have trouble falling asleep, so sometimes when my mom and I were coming home from shopping or from school, she would say:  "Tyler, do you want to see the city?“ and then I’d say: "Oh yeah yeah!” and then we drove to an area where I could see the entire skyline of Seattle, and every time it made me fall asleep.

The way my head works and what helps me go to sleep is that I want to see a beautiful image of some sorts so I can keep that image in mind.  It’s like seeing the City of Seattle and it's the last thing I want to see before shutting my eyes tight. I don’t do this every time I go to sleep, but sometimes, even today, if I have trouble sleeping I would want to see something gorgeous.

Sounds and music tunes help me sleep too. The realistic scenery is something...

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End School Crises

In my final days of high school, I have discovered the processes I call the End School Crises.

For those who don’t know what the End School Crises (ESC) is, let my tell you what it’s about.

I have been in school for a really really long time. About 15 years I’d say including preschool twice and kindergarten. Throughout those years I was so used to the whole routine of getting up in the morning and going to school. I see familiar faces all around teachers, students, para-pros, and other staff members in the schools. I had the ESC in Elementary, Intermediate, and Middle school. But in High School, it’s big… very big.

Signs of ESC include:

  • Doing unexpected things
  • Acting crazy
  • Making a fool out of yourself
  • Adrenalin Rush
  • Strong sensible emotions such as sad, or mad
  • Do as much things as fast as possible
  • Get in trouble usually
  • Feeling lost
  • Strong fear of leaving school

These are certain signs of ESC. It’s easy to remember the acronym by the far left...

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Being a Teenage Author

author autism teenager writer Apr 28, 2017

I never thought I’d be the youngest author of Bainbridge Island, and I’d say it’s a new chilling experience. It’s that chilling feeling when somethings new and you don’t know what to do and feel kinda lost. That’s the feeling I’ve been going through in high school.

Also, I just wanted to say that I have made a huge accomplishment at a young age, and yet my peers still see me as just another individual. Kinda cool that they still see me as another kid walking around the track. Although sometimes I wish my peers would see how big this book really is.

When I was at this publishing class with best selling author Patrick Snow, I saw that everyone in the class were older than me. I was the youngest, and it made me feel nervous, but Patrick helped me the basics of how to layout a book with title, subtitle, tagline, contents, acknowledgments, and so on. Felt good that I was the only kid that gets a chance to learn that information...

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autism numbers racing Apr 27, 2017

I find numbers to be easy to understand then the alphabet. English is one of the hardest languages in the world. There, their, they’re… too difficult. Numbers have a lot of meaning in my opinion, that’s why I’m “pretty good” at math. Pretty good because I’m not very good at coming up with answers really quickly. I have to think it out sometimes.

I’ll tell you why numbers are pretty cool. There are ten numbers that go on for a long time. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Then there are two numbers that come after 9 which is 10. There’s the numbers 1 and 0 and it goes over and over again. Just like the weekends; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday… just the like the months- well you get the idea.

I really like playing racing video games that have the race cars with the numbers on them. I have a game where you can slap your own number on the race car. I honestly thought pretty hard about the different...

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Looks on the Outside

appearance autism looks Apr 26, 2017

I have been observing people’s looks throughout the years. All over school, in the city, on T.V., and a lot of other places in the world.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I see something different then other people. Of course, every face is different, but I’ve noticed that I have a rounder head, bigger smile, red lips, and pale skin.

Later on, I had a thought that says that people who have autism look very different face-wise and it bothered me for a while. I then figured out that even people have less confidence about themselves as well, so that makes me no different from everyone else. As I was writing my book, I had this theory that I can’t slow down to looks, there needs to be confidence about the looks on the outside. I think that people should feel good about themselves and not have the looks slow them down. Of course, it’s always great to take care of the outside like brushing teeth, washing, bathing, and eating. Because even having good...

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The Bond Between Water and Autism

autism swim swimming water Apr 25, 2017

This is all just a theory of mine. It is not confirmed.

I’ve been noticing lately that there have been a relationship with the water and with people who have autism.

I can understand that whole thing because I remembered the time that I enjoyed the water when I was 3 months old. I love swimming myself, it’s always fun going into the water and feel free.

That is basically why people who have autism would feel when being in the water, they feel free. Of course, no one has to agree with me, but that’s my intent on it when it comes to the water. I would swim for hours and hours at the pool mostly just underwater. At a young age, I learned how to deflate my “airbags” in my lungs to make me sink down on the deep end of the pool and just sit there for a while. Then I would rocket myself up.

The thing about water and swimming is that no one can just walk in order to move, they can just move all over as if people are flying. That’s why penguins are still...

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What is eccentric?

It’s a word I have recently discovered and became a really fascinating word to me that I had to learn more about!

Eccentric is defined as being unconventional and slightly strange. Looking way back, I have been exposed to this kind of eccentric content. Here are a few examples of eccentric performers.

Tape Face - Also known as The Boy With Tape On His Face or Sam Wills. You may recognize him from NBC’s America’s Got Talent as a spiky haired weirdo with black tape over his mouth. Sounds like me minus the tape part. He also has black eyeshadow in order for his eyes to stand out; since he’s got tape over his mouth, he speaks volumes with his eyes, that’s how he talks in a way along with body language. For those who don’t know Tape Face, he’s a prop comic busker who can be a bit of a mime at times, using the most simplest things in the world such as oven mitts or just a pair of sunglasses. Indeed, very strange, but...

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autism bully bullying Mar 29, 2017

Who wants some of that action? I didn’t think so. No one deserves to be treated terribly during school and beyond. One sad fact is that autism is one of the main targets for bullies.

Why is that? I might have a theory or two about that. First, I’ll talk a little about what bullying is generally about.

Basically, what bullying is about is someone that provides harm to another person physically and emotionally. This can be done offline and offline; it is all not uncommon. As I mentioned in the book that even adults can be bullies too; always believed that since school since it was common that I have been a target for bullies of any kind.

Especially (Unnamed). Oh that (Unnamed), that was the worst! It was way back in the day, I’d say when I was nine; I know (Unnamed) today has gotten way better afterwards, but my experience was not so great. It’s not the part where I was emotionally and physically punished for playing around in the sandbox by mean giant...

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