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Change & Differences

Used to hate change and differences! I believe it is a major characteristic in having autism. It all starts at a very young age; you use the same coat hook everyday, when that hook is being used by someone else, you start to get cranky. That’s just an example; I had to go through the same thing of having my coat hanger to be taken. Another example is that there was a soccer goal that was facing the wrong way. Curious I was, I thought the teachers had it that way for a reason, and when I saw a bunch of kids working together making the goal face the other direction, I was a bit irritated and said that the goal should be left alone. Turns out there was a big wind storm back then and the goal flipped; the teachers told me it was alright.

Change is everywhere, and although it may be hard for someone with autism, it’s all in the matter of both the one with autism and one with not to work through the differences that goes on everyday. It took me a very long time until I was...

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