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Talking to Ourselves

autism ourselves talking May 05, 2017

We all talk to ourselves. For someone who has autism, that person talks to himself in wrong times. To be honest, I do the same thing too sometimes even though I’m older. I would imitate a line from a movie or play because I thought it was such a cool line like:

“Ah-  wait wait let me explain- let me explain something to you- um… I’m not Mr. Lebowski. You’re Mr. Lebowski. I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me you know uh. That, or um His Dudeness or uh… Duder… or uh… you know, El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.”

That came from the movie The Big Lebowski. I would sometimes repeat that line or any other line that’s funny and cool in inappropriate times, and then I would feel like I shouldn’t of said it in the wrong time when people noticed me talking to myself.

That’s the thing with talking to ourselves, we forget the reality a...

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