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You are probably reading this on a computer.

I love the machine! About time I said it after twenty years. Try not to let it dominate me even though I may have let it control me after a twelve hour marathon of a favorite computer game of mine. Red eyes and a grande coconut cappuccino the next day.

Though it is true, I can be on the computer for days; For instance, I tend to enjoy producing videos on my personal channel that are not work related and spent the whole month doing masking work for a video project; But that’s not important. What is important is understanding why computers work. Here are my personal reasons.


  • Fidget for the eyes
  • Mentally challenging
  • No physical challenge
  • Colors on the screen
  • Certain sounds are heard that can be fidgets to the ears
  • A “recharge station”
  • A creative outlook
  • Typing on the keyboard is like a fidget


I learned how to type at a very early age. We used to play computer games that made typing fun. Practiced hard to go...

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Computers & Meltdowns

Computer Programs Can Help Reduce or Eliminate Autism Meltdowns

Persons with autism tend to be drawn to video and computer screens.

Computers and video can be used as a very effective tool to teach someone with autism how to self regulate. Videos can be used to teach social skills, speech, facial movements, expressions, and many other skills. Animated video and computer programs are more effective than real video.

Look for software that uses primary colors, and is very clear in its presentation of concepts. Computer programs that teach children with autism social situations and formation of words have the greatest long term impact.

Tyler's Notes:

I've been interested in computers since I was four. Even built myself one with the help of Dad when I was twelve. One thing about those machines that I enjoy very much is the sounds it would make. I would go up to a machine, put my ear on the side of the computer, and listen to whatever goes on as the computer runs after I turn it on. Could...

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